This is a lifestyle site "for the curious and the committed". Therefore, any product, service, activity, belief or condition which affects the day to day living of anyone choosing to identify as, or with, Leatherfetish is relevant to LeatherWeb. This includes food, clothing and shelter. It includes religion, fetish, and relationship. It is about becoming fully self-actualized.
Ross & ross are offering their lifestyle as an example of what’s possible. In short, we are walking the walk.

We hope that you will communicate with us and others who present themselves here. We hope that you will support those who support you. We hope that you will take risks and "do what scares you the most", which is to say: Grow.

LeatherWeb is our primary activity at this point in our life together. Our belief is that work and play and education ideally should be one in the same activity. LeatherWeb offers barter, service and commerce; fair exchange for value received. In turn, and in time, we expect to receive fair pay for a good day’s work. Your recognition and support of our efforts is ever appreciated.

Thank you,

Phil & rodtney Ross Web Master & web boy

LeatherWeb Update

LeatherWeb is now more than two years old. It has been a labor of love. It’s proprietor has been through relationship, home and career change during this time. Until this year, it was accomplished without even owning a computer!

During this year, the owners of this site have concentrated on introducing ourselves as practicing what we preach:

We are Ross & ross,
Two beautiful
emanations of Spirit

interracial, gay, 24/7,
leather lovestyle

As Master and slave
in a committed
and monogamous union.

After completion of our 10,000 mile, 24 state road trip we will next apply our efforts, our image and our focus on making LeatherWeb the finest expression of Leatherfetish living available on the internet. We hope you will be inspired to join us in both our cyber and physical realities.


Ross & ross.

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