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What is L.L.C.?


The first Leather Leadership Conference (LLC) was held in April 1997 at the Center near New York's Greenwich Village. Organized by the ad-hoc group New York S/M Activists, the planning committee sought to address the challenges to leaders, potential leaders, activists, and advocates within the Leather-S/M-Fetish communities. With a loan from the David Weinbaum Memorial Fund, funds were raised to present a number of topics of importance.

In light of the success of the first LLC, it was decided that the conference should continue on a yearly basis to provide information and tools not just for potential leaders and the like, but for individuals with a vested interest in ensuring the continuum of safety, equality of representation, rights, and freedom of expression for our people in society.

Last year, with sponsorships from such groups and individuals as Black Rose, Hellfire/Manhole, Society of Janus, Z-Triad, Jack McGeorge and others, over $2,000 was raised to present 4 tracks of 16 topics to introduce some invaluable tools and information to support and create more effective leaders.

Also included in last year's LLC-II/NY were national policy proposals, and ongoing projects for work throughout the year. Among the policies created was a BDSM Education Policy. One of the more ambitious of ongoing projects is the call for information and contacts for a national briefing book for use by the police, and medical and media professionals.

As LLC moves across the country, it is the vision of the original LLC committee that this conference will remain a positive means of presenting useful tools and information for present and future leaders, advocates, activists and individuals in the Leather-S/M-Fetish life. Until we, as an alternative lifestyle people achieve the same compassion, recognition, understanding, and equality of our non-alternative counterparts in mainstream society, the Leather Leadership Conference will strive arduously to inform, educate, and strengthen our present members as a means of protecting our future.

Some of the participants of LLC2 commented:
"LLC2 was even better than I expected. What a good way to get people (or at least me) pumped up about doing stuff within the community."
"Meeting people and networking was one of the best parts of the conference."
"There were times this weekend when I was awestruck at meeting the legends of our community..."
"All the attitudes and personal agendas were left at the door. 125+ people from all over the country came together to roll up their sleeves and put on their thinking caps because there was work to be cone and by God we got a lot of work done."


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